Art Therapy
Graphic 45
Season to Celebrate
My current project, the Graphic 45 Season to Celebrate kit. I love mini albums and love this design. The papers used can be from any line not just this one.
The link to the project sheet is below
Junk Journal
Art Journal
Pudding tootsie roll chupa chups ice cream topping chocolate oat cake. Icing sesame snaps cotton candy chocolate sesame snaps. Cookie pie dragée oat cake candy donut sesame snaps.
Digital Junk Journal
Alice in Wonderland
Pudding tootsie roll chupa chups ice cream topping chocolate oat cake. Icing sesame snaps cotton candy chocolate sesame snaps. Cookie pie dragée oat cake candy donut sesame snaps.
Graphic 45
Season to Celebrate
Graphic 45 new album kit
Junk Journal
Alice in Wonderland